Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our Frequently Asked Questions below to find answers to your questions about Polylino.

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Categories, bookshelves, and language shelves

What are "Bookshelves"?

Bookshelves are selected books in different themes or subject areas. For example. in the bookshelf “Friendship” there is a selection of books that fit the theme “Friendship”. However, there may be more books about friendship in Polylino, these can then be found in “Search all books” and in “Categories” (“Friendship”).

What are "Language Shelves"?

The language shelves show all the books in the different languages ​​available in Polylino. For example. all books available in Polish are displayed in the “Polish” language shelf. When you open a book from a language shelf, that language begins to be read out first, not English. If you open the book in child mode, the default settings are that only the selected language and English are displayed in the book, so that the child has fewer languages ​​to choose from. This can be set so that more than these two languages ​​are displayed.

What are "Categories"?

Categories are groupings of books. Books about animals are in the category “Animals”, books about friendship in the category “Friendship” etc. Here are all the books that are tagged with each category. You can access the categories by selecting “Categories”, to the right of the “Search” box. Once you have selected a category, the books included in the category are displayed at the bottom of the page. You can also search for categories in the search box (“Search all books”), search for e.g. “Family” and select the Family category in the search result that appears. In the search function there are also additional categories, e.g. “Empathy”.

How do I create my own bookshelf?

You create a bookshelf via the information page about the book. Select “Add to bookshelf”. Then select “New bookshelf” at the bottom of the box that appears. Write a name on the bookshelf and select an icon, then click “Save”. Alternatively “Select books” on the home page (“Bookshelves”) or from e.g. a search or a theme bookshelf. Select the book or books you want to put on a bookshelf. Select “Add to bookshelf”. Then select “New bookshelf” at the bottom of the box that appears. Write a name on the bookshelf and select an icon. Click on “Save”.

How do I add a book to my own bookshelf?

To add a book to your bookshelf, start from the information page about the book. Select “Add to bookshelf”. Then select the bookshelf you want to put the book in and click “Save”. Alternatively “Select books” on the home page (“Bookshelves”) or from e.g. a search or a theme bookshelf. Select the book or books you want to put on a bookshelf. Select “Add to bookshelf”. Then select the bookshelf you want to put the book in and click “Save”.

Child Mode

What is child mode?

Child mode is a simpler version of the service, where the focus is on the books. It is not possible to make settings and see book info etc. from the child mode. The children see the books immediately and can start reading / listening. Together with guided access, you can ensure that the youngest children don’t accidentally click away from the book. It is possible to change the settings so that the books start without sound or so that only certain languages ​​are included, e.g. if you want to focus on only Spanish and Arabic and not the other languages, you can set it so that the children can only switch between English, Spanish and Arabic.

How do I leave child mode?

To deactivate the child mode, select from the child mode icon at the top right (a child with a dash over it). Here you get a box called “Unlock child mode”, answer the question asked and then select “Unlock”.

How do I activate child mode?

Child mode can be activated in four different ways: Via the menu bar at the top of the app to the left of the tutorial icon and the question mark select the icon with a child’s face on it. Here, the entire library opens in the “Categories” mode, where the children themselves can browse through the different categories. 2. Via a bookshelf (eg “Friendship” or a separate bookshelf). At the far right of a bookshelf, select “Show All” and then “Child Mode”. Then only the books that are on the bookshelf will open. 3. From the start page “Bookshelves” or from an individual bookshelf, click on “Select books”. Select any number of books, then select the “Child Mode” icon to the left of “Cancel”. 4. Via an individual book. Start from the information page about the book and select “Open in child mode”.

Login and Profile Settings

How do I log in to the app?

Once you have downloaded the Polylino app and opened it, you will end up on a login page. Enter the login information you have received and select “Log in”. If you have your account linked to SSO (single sign on), you can choose to click on the icon where your account is linked to log in to the service. From the start page, you will be asked “Who is reading?”, Select “New profile”. Enter a profile name and select a profile picture and then click “Save”. Then you can enter via your profile. You can create up to 10 profiles in one user account. On your profile you have the opportunity to create your own bookshelves and add books as “Favorites”.

How do I create a profile?

When you have logged in to your account, you will be asked from the start page “Who is reading?”. Select “New profile”. Enter a profile name and select a profile picture and then click “Save”. Then you can enter via your profile. You can create up to 10 profiles in one user account. On your profile you have the opportunity to create your own bookshelves and add books as “Favorites”.

How do I log out of the service?

You log out of the account by clicking on the menu icon, the three horizontal bars at the top left, which you can see when you are at the bookshelves. Select “Settings” and then “Log out users” You can also log out by clicking on the icon next to the menu icon that has a star or a heart. Then select “Logout”.

I am sent back to the login page all the time when I log in, why?

What date and time zone have you set on your device? You can see this under Settings>General> Date and time. You can choose that the unit automatically sets the date / time or you can set your own date. If you set your own date and that date is more than a year in the future, our apps will not work, they expect the app to have today’s date and time.

Parents and Guardians

Why can't guardians login to Polylino?

In order for a parent/guardian to be able to login to Polylino from home, the school or organization needs to buy the additional service “Polylino Home Access”. Through this add on, teachers can create accounts for the parents/guardians so they can login and read to their children at home. Polylino only includes accounts for staff at the organization, and is not entitled to distribute these accounts to guardians.

Can I purchase Polylino privately?

ILT Education has services for schools and organizations to subscribe to and is thus not for private individuals. It’s good for you to know that if you have children at a childcare center / elementary school with a subscription to Polylino, the childcare center / elementary school has the opportunity to purchase an additional service called Home Access to allow parents / guardians to access the app at home with their children. Read more about Home Access here and ask your school to contact us if they are interested in the service. Students at the school who have access to the Polylino school service can log in to their account at home and at any time.

Polylino and iOS

I have a problem with the sound in Polylino after updating to iPad OS 13.2, what do I do about it?

With Apple’s update to iPad OS 13.2, the sound stopped working in Polylino. You can easily fix this by downloading the latest version (version 1.6.2 or later) of the Polylino app in the App Store.

I have a problem with the sound being played over and over on the same page on iOS, what can I do about it?

Download the latest version of Polylino (1.6.8 or later) from the App Store. If that doesn’t help, feel free to contact Customer Support.

What is the latest version of iPad that I need to use Polylino?

You need to be able to install iOS 9.3 on your iPad. It can be installed on the model iPad 2 which is from 2011-2012.

Searching for Books

How do I search within Polylino?

If you want to search for a specific book or author, go to the “Search all books” search box and start typing what you want to search for. For example, if you want to search for “cat”, enter the word cat and select from the search results that appear, or click on “Search”. You can search by, among other things, book title, author, illustrator, publisher, language, category, bookshelf and keywords (Keywords are keywords from the books.)

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