
Try Polylino in your school or school district

Is your school or school district looking for a digital picture book service that supports your students’ language and literacy development? If so, sign up for our 60-day free trial, where we will offer unlimited support to your staff and students.

You will receive free login information, and will be offered training and inspiration on how to use our service.

Reach out to info@ilteducation.com to speak with a representative today!

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This is what is included in your free trial:

  • Your school or entire school district will have unlimited access to Polylino for 60 days
  • A member of our customer service team will train your staff and provide classroom ideas on how to use Polylino
  • As an optional service, we can provide an evaluation of how Polylino was used in your school(s) and will work with you to review the results

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